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5 Symptoms of Anxiety in Teen Girls

HelpingaTeenageGirlwithAnxiety28036 5 Symptoms of Anxiety in Teen Girls

Undoubtedly, teen girls have a lot on their plate. They’re figuring out who they are while also navigating academic demands, complicated social situations, and self-image issues. For a teen without anxiety, these are challenging to navigate. For a teen with anxiety, they may feel impossible.

Teen girls who experience anxiety often struggle to identify and name their symptoms. Putting language to an experience helps to externalize it, making teens feel as though they are not their anxiety; rather, they experience anxiety. Understanding the symptoms of anxiety can also help teens communicate more accurately and efficiently with those around them. This means parents, friends, and other loved ones will be more informed and better able to help.

The following list explores some of the common symptoms of anxiety seen in teen girls:

It can be difficult for people of all ages to identify and come to terms with their experience of anxiety. For teen girls, anxiety symptoms can present in a variety of ways. Those who are helping to support a teen girl with anxiety may benefit from working with her to develop a shared language about her symptoms so that they’re able to more easily communicate.

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