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Managing Your Teens Mental Health This Holiday Season - The Arrow House

Managing Your Teens Mental Health This Holiday Season

By The Arrow House | December 16, 2022

Mental health issues among teenagers were on the rise before COVID-19 put the world on lockdown. Since that time, teens mental health has become a national concern. Mental Health America (MHA) reports that 15% of teens between 12 and 17 had at least one major depressive episode in the previous year. This is an increase of…

Thanksgiving Mental Health Tips for Teens - The Arrow House

7 Thanksgiving Mental Health Tips for Teens

By Arrow House | November 14, 2022

The holidays for some teens can mean relaxing, hanging out with family, and overeating home-cooked meals. For other teens, however, it increases stressors and triggers, potentially leading to relapse. Maintaining recovery takes work and involves making mental health a priority. Thanksgiving mental health tips can help teens manage the stress that comes with the holiday…

The Importance of Family Systems for Teens - The Arrow House

The Importance of Family Systems for Teens

By Arrow House | October 13, 2022

Recent statistics from the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) show that one in six American youth experiences a mental health disorder annually. Suicide is the second leading cause of death among those between 10 and 14. NAMI notes that teens with mental health issues are twice as likely to drop out of high school and three…

Most Common Teen Co-Occurring Disorders - The Arrow House

Most Common Teen Co-occurring Disorders

By Arrow House | September 14, 2022

Both mental health and substance use disorders affect not only the teen but also their friends and family. Sometimes it can be hard to distinguish between what is typical teen behavior and something more serious. You don’t know if their mood and behavior changes are due to substance misuse, lack of sleep, or hormones. You…

6 Tips For Stress and Mental Health Issues - The Arrow House

6 Tips for Teens With Stress and Mental Health Issues

By The Arrow House | August 4, 2022

Stress and mental health issues are prominent among teenagers in America today. According to the American Psychological Association, stress significantly impacts teens’ mental health. While most teens are resilient, they are still human and have limits on how much pressure they can handle. Read this short list of teen stressors and add any others that aren’t on…