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5 Symptoms of Anxiety in Teen Girls

HelpingaTeenageGirlwithAnxiety28036 5 Symptoms of Anxiety in Teen Girls

Undoubtedly, teen girls have a lot on their plate. They’re figuring out who they are while also navigating academic demands, complicated social situations, and self-image issues. For a teen without anxiety, these are challenging to navigate. For a teen with anxiety, they may feel impossible. Teen girls who experience anxiety often struggle to identify and…


How Does School Affect Your Teenager’s Mental Health?

Screenshot 2024 05 13 100240 How Does School Affect Your Teenager's Mental Health?

How Does School Affect Your Teenager’s Mental Health? School for teenagers is often very similar to jobs for adults. While every workplace is different, so is every school system. The environment of each school system may differ. However, the general themes often remain the same. Schools include diverse populations of teens, each at different stages…


What To Do When Your Teen Won’t Stop Criticizing You

pexels cottonbro studio 6471002 What To Do When Your Teen Won't Stop Criticizing You

When I put myself in the shoes of parents, I struggle to grasp what it must be like to witness a child’s birth, nurture that child’s development, change their diapers, nurse them, take them to school & sports …. only to have them grow up and say things like: “If you had only ______, things…


7 Thanksgiving Mental Health Tips for Teens

Thanksgiving Mental Health Tips for Teens - The Arrow House

The holidays for some teens can mean relaxing, hanging out with family, and overeating home-cooked meals. For other teens, however, it increases stressors and triggers, potentially leading to relapse. Maintaining recovery takes work and involves making mental health a priority. Thanksgiving mental health tips can help teens manage the stress that comes with the holiday…


The Importance of Family Systems for Teens

The Importance of Family Systems for Teens - The Arrow House

Recent statistics from the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) show that one in six American youth experiences a mental health disorder annually. Suicide is the second leading cause of death among those between 10 and 14. NAMI notes that teens with mental health issues are twice as likely to drop out of high school and three…


Most Common Teen Co-occurring Disorders

Most Common Teen Co-Occurring Disorders - The Arrow House

Both mental health and substance use disorders affect not only the teen but also their friends and family. Sometimes it can be hard to distinguish between what is typical teen behavior and something more serious. You don’t know if their mood and behavior changes are due to substance misuse, lack of sleep, or hormones. You…