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What Causes Depression in Teens

What causes depression in teens? - The Arrow House

Depression is a serious mental health condition that affects individuals of all ages, including teenagers. During adolescence, teens experience a variety of emotional and physical changes, which can sometimes contribute to feelings of sadness or mood swings. However, when these feelings persist and begin to interfere with daily life, it may signal depression. Understanding what…


What is Summer Seasonal Depression?

Summer Seasonal Depression, or reverse SAD, affects some teens with symptoms like insomnia, irritability, anxiety, and loss of appetite. Unlike winter SAD, it occurs in summer due to increased heat, humidity, and disrupted routines. Teens might feel overwhelmed by social expectations or experience heightened body image concerns, impacting their mood and daily functioning. Summer, typically…


How Does School Affect Your Teenager’s Mental Health?

Screenshot 2024 05 13 100240 How Does School Affect Your Teenager's Mental Health?

How Does School Affect Your Teenager’s Mental Health? School for teenagers is often very similar to jobs for adults. While every workplace is different, so is every school system. The environment of each school system may differ. However, the general themes often remain the same. Schools include diverse populations of teens, each at different stages…


How to Help My Teen with Depression

happy parent with happy teen girl after asking how to help my teen with depression

To help your teen with depression, it’s vital to establish a supportive and understanding environment. Encouraging open conversations, showing empathy, and guiding them towards professional help can make a significant difference. Ensuring they know you’re there for them, ready to listen and support them, is crucial. Teen depression treatment can provide the support and structure…